Growing Business

We are able to help entrepreneurs manage their business at any stage of development. This section of our website is dedicated to helping those clients that are just beginning their journey of self-employment and net more than $10,000 profit each year (profit = income – expenses). If you net less, please see our page New Business.

S-Corp Program

Your business is growing and the more you make, the more self-employment tax you pay. In this training, you will learn the method to saving thousands in tax liability! This method will require you to check a few boxes such as paying yourself a W2 wage and a slightly more complex tax return. Don’t worry! We will be with you every step of the way to help you take your business to the next level!

This program includes:

Changing your tax status (S-Corp form completion and preliminary consultation)

Part 1 (1 hour): Acquire State Payroll Tax Identification Number; payroll setup and training

Part 2 (1 hour): Education on what is needed to process the new type of tax return; reports and responsibilities


S-Corp Creation ONLY……….$200

Quickbooks Training

At the growth stage of your business, you have been using Quickbooks for a while. But there are always new or nuanced things that come up. Or maybe your accounting just needs organizing. We can train you further on new or business-specific practices that you need in order to keep your business operating smoothly.

Price……….$120 per hour

Average appointment is approximately one-two (1-2) hours.

Profitability Analysis

Now that you have a lot of experience under your belt with your business, you can take your understanding of your business up a notch by learning how to perform a Profitability Analysis. In this training we will sit with you and go through your Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, and other reports to pick apart where you are losing money and discover what is making you the most money. With this information, you can make more informed decisions for your business and create a strategy for the following quarters to make sure each fiscal year is your best!

Price……….$120 per hour

Average appointment is approximately three (3) hours.

To schedule an appointment, please use our Appointment Request page. All new clients receive a FREE 30 minute consultation!

You may also like to view our Hours and Holidays page for more information on our availability.